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Delta Dental Smiles:

Find A Dentist

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The following list contains only in-network providers. If you choose to see a dentist that is not part of the Delta Dental Smiles Network, you may have to pay for any services provided by this dentist. If you think you may need to see a dentist that is not part of the Delta Dental Smiles Network, contact us first. We may be able to help you decide if a Network dentist can provide the services.

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PLEASE NOTE: This is a directory of licensed Arkansas dentists who have signed contracts to provide professional services under Delta Dental. It is not to be considered a recommendation that a particular dentist be consulted for professional care. Some network providers may choose not to perform certain services based on religious or moral beliefs, as required by the Social Security Act.

In order for services to be covered, members of Delta Dental programs that use the Delta Dental Smiles Network must receive treatment from a dentist that participates in the Delta Dental Smiles Network. Treatment performed by a dentist who does not participate in the Delta Dental Smiles Network may not be covered.

Every effort has been made to prepare this list accurately, but Delta Dental assumes no responsibility for possible mistakes or omissions. The dentists listed in the search results may not participate in our network for each location listed in the results. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you ask your prospective dentist if he or she participates in the Delta Dental Smiles Network powered by Delta Dental at the desired office location where you will be receiving treatment. If you have any additional questions, please contact Delta Dental's customer service department at (866) 864-2499.

The following list contains only in-network providers. If you choose to see a dentist that is not part of the Delta Dental Smiles Network, you may have to pay for any services provided by this dentist. If you think you may need to see a dentist that is not part of the Delta Dental Smiles Network, contact us first. We may be able to help you decide if a Network dentist can provide the services.